Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dream Marathon Journey: First Bull Session

Last night was the start of my Dream Marathon journey. I was hesitant to go at first because of the schedule, location, because I'm not feeling well, workload in the office. But because I really want this, I've decided to go and didn't care much of how I'm feeling.

Saw familiar faces, my ANR Alabang family, some guys I've already seen in races, and of course Jaymie. I really didn't get to check the number of participants in the first bull session. Got more interested with the AVPs and what the speakers would say about their experiences and get some tips from them.

In a nutshell, here's what I kept in my mini running suitcase:

  • Run smart
  • The importance of hydration, food intake, and training.
  • Always say 'thank you.'
  • Enjoy the distance
  • Dedication

'Til the next bull session! Nice to see you batchmates. Hopefully by next session we get to chat and know more about eachother.

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