Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Knee Pain

Ouch!!! This is the first time since I started running in March 2010 to feel pain on my left knee.

As I was doing my usual training run last night in preparation for the Nature Valley Run, on my last 200 meters, I suddenly felt pain on my left knee. It's tolerable but I'm worried it might affect my performance or worse is that I may not be able to run at all... Pain, pain go away!!! :(

I'm having difficulties of going up and down the stairs and it's tender upon palpation (patella) on resting position. :( Need meds to help it go away. Hoping this will be okay before Sunday's run.


  1. I had the same left knee problem as well. you might want to do VMO strengthening exercises (it's in the 'net).

    nice blog btw. :)

    see you at the races!


  2. thanks roelle for visiting and checking out my blog. regarding my left knee, yeah, bought a patellar strap and did light VMO strengthening. as of tonight, upon checking, i think my left knee is A-Okay.
